Worst Practice

Tags: PHP

Advent of Code - Day 1

It's December again, the time of the Advent Calendars. Eric Wastl made the Advent of Code which is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language.

Refactoring the Dependency Injection Container

Two years ago (and only a few articles earlier) I published a mini-series about writing my own DIC. Now it's time to get back there and practice the refactoring.

DIY Dependency Injection Container, Part 2

The second step on our journey to create a stand-alone Dependency Injection Container. Discuss about the configuration doesn't sound too interesting, but it can hold us some surprises.

DIY Dependency Injection Container, Part 1

Like many of my fate companions, I do home office too. And by staying at home, I can save 2-3 hours of travelling every day. So I decided to practice a little bit.